Saturday, October 3, 2009

"I don't want to be big"

We'll have a post sooner or later about our trip to Disneyland (just not now).

Liam told us this morning that "I don't want to be big".

Daddy said "Too late" and we proceeded to explain to him all the things he could do now because he was bigger, like how he could drag the empty diaper box around and stuff things into it, and how he could say so much now. Liam said something about using all of his words, which he followed by "I don't want to have words in my mouth!"


  1. What a sweetie-pie. It's okay, Boo -- we love that you're getting big and do more fun stuff with us! Little babies can't go on the rides at Disneyland, so I'm glad you're bigger and could go with us :-)

  2. There's a real difference between you and I, Liam. I really DO want to be big, but after 47 years of it not happening, I'm about ready to give up. ;)
